
Thursday, 11 April 2013


Dd is getting to the age where life is only really fun if a friend is with her. I can relate to that. It just feels sad somehow that she is beginning to need them more and us less... But I guess that's the way life goes when they start to grow up.

We've had a lovely half term. We seem to have done quite a lot without making any big plans. Tomorrow the friends we saw at the wildlife park are coming over for lunch and as it will be a day before C's 8th birthday we have decided to turn it into a bit of a party and have his cake early.

Talking of the cake, N and I have been slaving over that half the day. C wanted Pokemon on his cake so N has been doing an amazing job moulding the little figures out of icing. Unfortunately we couldn't find any of that black squeezy tube icing to draw on the facial markings so it won't look perfect... But I love it all the same and N had a great time making them. I'll try and get photos on soon.

It's F's 1st birthday on Tuesday so we'll be making yet another cake on Monday... So much for my diet!!! *Sigh *. xx

Friday, 5 April 2013


Well, so far so good...dh and I are managing wonderfully so far not to shout. We are saying "yes" to the children much more than no (unless for good reason obviously) and add a result we've had a peaceful few days. Today has been a little more difficult as I've not been sleeping well so I'm SO tired... but I've still not shouted, and neither have they.

We had a lovely day yesterday. Dh stayed home to get on with garden jobs while I took the children to our local wildlife park with my best friend Dawn and her two children A who is 14 and R who is 8. It was bitterly cold but being with our very best friends we could have been in a cardboard box and still had a good time. I met Dawn when I was 11 when we first started secondary school. We've been through a lot together and still extremely close now. She's kind of my soul mate. Someone I can spend hours with chatting about nothing and never get bored. Time whizzes by and in a flash its time to go home.

Anyway, it was totally freezing all day with snow on and off but the children were having such a great time and to be honest,.. So were we despite the cold. After six hours of pacing the park in minus temperatures and an hour standing waiting for then to finish in the play area,  we really had to go home. Our bodies could no longer cope with the cold.

We said or goodbyes with the agreement that Dawn and the children would come to our house for the day next Friday. They live an hour and a half away... Where we used to live... So visits are normally few and far between... And with N and her recent anxieties it's been hard to get her to travel more than half an hour.

I'm assuming it was due to the cold of yesterday that made me wake up feeling like I felt this morning. Still freezing. Achey. Sore eyes. And oh so tired. Even so, we visited some friends for lunch and had a nice day. I am glad it's nearly over though. x x