
Monday, 14 January 2013

There was great excitement in our house this morning. This is what we woke up to...

C decided to get dressed really quickly and go out to play for a while before school. We finally got out the door and plodded our way through the snow to school. F loved being in the sling... Up high so he could see all around him. He's never seen snow before so this was all new and exiting. I have to say, I did feel quite smug with myself strolling easily carrying F in the sling, when there were other parents struggling with their pushchairs and prams.

We got home after dropping the  big two off and I suddenly became very domesticated! I tidied and vacuumed the whole house. Then I made some flap jacks

... tried to be adventurous and put them into cup cake cases to make it a little different. Added a drizzle of chocolate to make them even better. Delicious even if I do say so myself!

Made some bread sticks for F

... which actually turned out tasting like a bread roll. Next time I think I need to do them thinner so they go crispy.

Then I made an apple crumble with a tiny bit of plum which I'm very proud to say used up all our " going" fruit. Trying to not waste food and use left over's.

Unfortunately I never had chance to take a photo of it after it was cooked... Didn't last long enough!!


  1. Great snow pictures, and that crumble has made me hungry! Might have to make one for dinner :-)

  2. Thanks Susie! Hmmmm... maybe that's what I should do today... Make another crumble! Goes against my plans for eating less though! I guess I could go lighter on the crumble and over dose on the fruit....x
